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[ame=""]Kid Rock's Anti-Infomerical for the American Badass Grill - YouTube[/ame]
They're Keg A Ques And They've Been Around For A While

I'm not saying anyone's being duped but most promotional grills are not made of the best stuff or to last. Maybe this one is different.

Flat black paint and an emblem.

And I like Kid Rock and his music. God Bless America. God Bless and Protect Our Armed Services.



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I'd seen Ball team promo ones -before in Past - but I was thinking they were smaller......hadn't seen KegaQue site before - yup same thing. Oh Well.
I'll be grilling sausages on it today and may add a KegaQue if I like it........been wanting a portable grill or 2.
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I like it. But it's the same as the KegaQue posted above. They are $75 on KegaQue site.....on sale for $60....

The American BadAss Logo is already flaking off after 2 uses. I added expanded metal over the charcoal grate. I may be going camping Memorial Day weekend and it'll go with me.
It's a cool grill and a nice conversation piece. My issues are: I can't find any objective reviews of it; just one Youtube video so far. And, is it really better than the $60 Weber Jumbo Joe?
It's not any better than Weber Jumbo Joe. Just different - More headroom- can do beer can chickens. I like how the legs fold up and lock the 2 pieces together for carrying. Weber has porcelain paint so that's better. I'm gonna take it camping if we go so that'll be a Good test . If I like it camping I may snag one of the EBay KegaQues for a 2nd portable grill......
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Emailed KegaQue and they said theirs are not made in USA....... maybe Kidrock n who ever decided to copy them but make them in USA since they advertise Charcoal units are 100% made in USA.?

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I'm all for made in USA but I wouldn't tout American Bad Arse as anything close to our best. Shirley and Lone Star Grillz are American and Bad A$$ all the way and so are their rigs. I also like how they do more than just talk to support veterans!!
I like Kid Rock and been to 8 of his concerts but not going to buy the grill. Got too many already

He does support our troops and has done many over seas concerts on base.

Some don't like him but that's OK.

[ame=""]Americans - a Public Service Film by Kid Rock & Sean Penn - YouTube[/ame]