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It was a lot of fun to finally meet some of the east of New Mexico Brethren. Todd, Jorge and David. I got to sneek out of camp and steal Tommy's Monster Golf cart and come see ya guys what a pleasure it was for me. You know I have been thinking about this roadshow BBQ thing the idea is go to a new town ask all the great BBQ people for equiptment. The best part is when it time to go I just let everyone know to come get there stuff and walah cleanup is all done. hehehe The best part for me was to get a call in pork and to share the stage with all you great cookers. Mike and Tommy you guys rock at putting a event together.
Great Job brethren thanks for coming hope you enjoyed the hospatality and please come back soon. Scottie you sure were missed.

You all have an open invitation to come cook in my area anytime. Whatever you currently cook on... we can most likely find it. (We have more than 3 FEC's around here. :biggrin:) Reiman and I talked a couple of times about getting his team up here next year.

I'm very serious when I say that we will hook you up. As many Brethren gathered for our group picture at the Royal (before I won), I announced, "Welcome to MY city! Who needs a beer?"
No better team to win the Monica Benedict Heart of a Champion award. Congrats Jim and Adrian!!! Woo hoo!!!
You all have an open invitation to come cook in my area anytime. Whatever you currently cook on... we can most likely find it. (We have more than 3 FEC's around here. :biggrin:) Reiman and I talked a couple of times about getting his team up here next year. "

Todd, Im hoping mike will bring me with him this sounds like a lot of fun for sure again great meeting you guys. Lets hope Andy can make it out here in December.
Scotti you are right I couldn't think of a better team for Monica's award then Jim and Adrian they have given with all there heart which they were on there sleeves. greart job guys
It was good to meet all of you in person and it was a good time for sure. Strange scoring to say the least. Really High overall, with some real low scores to bite you.

Congrats to Sweet Peppers for another good Cook and the great things they do to raise some money for Cancer Sucks cause and to the GC Smokey D's. Looks like it will come down to the last event of the year for TOY??

I think I heard Jim say they have already raised over $1,100 at that event, great job to everyone.

So, who is coming to Tempe??
Thanks to all the Competitors, Judges and public that came out to this great event. It gets bigger & better each year.

It was great meeting everyone and finally putting some faces to names. Everyone was fantastic.

Thanks Todd from Plowboys for donating some great rub for our Competitor gift bags, that was incredibly generous of you and greatly appreciated.

We sure had a great time putting this together and Dell Webb is an incredible sponsor.

Hope to see you all back again next year.
Great pictures, Todd. I notice that you did not venture over to the Dark Side though.....

I did on Friday afternoon, but didn't have my camera with me. By Friday night, I was asleep by 11pm. I wanted to hit the midnight bash. After seeing the pictures, I'm really pissed that I didn't make it.
I did on Friday afternoon, but didn't have my camera with me. By Friday night, I was asleep by 11pm. I wanted to hit the midnight bash. After seeing the pictures, I'm really pissed that I didn't make it.

After yakkin' with you on FB, I never got to meet ya. Or get away with some rub ;o) I did see you judging the desserts. Then Saturday AM rolled around, and I was forbidden from cruisin' the camps, as this was my first judgeship. If I ever drive thru KC again, I'll hail on the way thru. I want to hit some of the DDD places Guy Fiere went to--Grinders, et al. Love the story about your homecoming. Love kids, I really do. Check out the cakes my 14 YO makes. She put a smoker on a cake for me Sunday. Neat!
After yakkin' with you on FB, I never got to meet ya. Or get away with some rub ;o) I did see you judging the desserts. Then Saturday AM rolled around, and I was forbidden from cruisin' the camps, as this was my first judgeship. If I ever drive thru KC again, I'll hail on the way thru. I want to hit some of the DDD places Guy Fiere went to--Grinders, et al. Love the story about your homecoming. Love kids, I really do. Check out the cakes my 14 YO makes. She put a smoker on a cake for me Sunday. Neat!

I ate at Grinders once. Got food poisoning. The other place he did "Mothers" "Mommas" or whatever it is, isn't supposed to be very good.
I ate at Grinders once. Got food poisoning. The other place he did "Mothers" "Mommas" or whatever it is, isn't supposed to be very good.

Don't suppose you can go wrong sticking with Strouds. Used to love that place! Haven't eaten there in years, sorry to hear the original got pulled down.

Yeah we kicked it up a bit after midnight, might of had something to do with my scores on Saturday.....anyway, I hope you guys can make it out for another event sometime. for all upcoming events.
Yeah we kicked it up a bit after midnight
Is that what you kids call those shots with the blowup doll? Allrighty then.