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Rob, if you are referring to the Mi comp it is way too premature to think there is going to be one.

I think that's what Theresa is saying here Scott. I hope not because we would really like to get some more MI Brethren to come down and play in warm weather this time.
Jim saw noted and you will rec............

For the boat eggs Rick and the Perry Brothers will tell you I almost lost a crew member to Rick last year after he ate them.......

That's right Rick! Snoozin' is losin' and especially with the boat eggs thrown in as an added incentive.

(hopefully Roger didn't see that part about the boat eggs)
JayAre-B-Q will be there in force...and yeah Roger, I promise to bring the harom with me...
It was the first for JayAre and myself and we will both tell you it is the BEST, in Ohio and if you want to get into it, there isnt a better promoter than Jim and greater apmospher than at Kettering. Even the write up in the Bullsheet said that it is the one everyone else should take from if putting one one.

JayAre tell Haroum I will have ribs and fatties for them after you climb in the (home)for the night. 12:30am ribs and 1:30am fatties and maybe some moink balls.

Hoping for another great time in kettering.

Going to tell my uncle about this comp. Maybe he can do this as his first comp.
Thanks Roger! I'll email your confirmation as soon as I receive it and post your name on the board. Can't wait!
Let Mike know there are no auctions but there is a place to drink.
Laughing, he will be there.....we have been busy, he now owns a butcher shop/deli/cafe, the great part of that is getting choice picks on my place to wet age my brisket, and all the tools necessary to trim it all up on Thursdays, re-vacuum seal everything in his commercial equipment...and hit the road to the contests....
He says that he wants you to meet this ol guy that is there....we both think he kinda reminds us of you.....grins, an ol' crusty who cracks on my pellet cooker.....
Hope your winter is not too bad, and yes Jim, as soon as tax refunds come back, you will be one of the first ones to get my government appreciation money....looking forward to it.....
Hope your winter is not too bad, and yes Jim, as soon as tax refunds come back, you will be one of the first ones to get my government appreciation money....looking forward to it.....

Hey Cracker - That "government appreciation money" you speak of, is ACTUALLY YOUR MONEY TO BEGIN WITH! :p

As long as you're completing applications and sending out checks....

Wish we could make this one - just not in the cards this year.

Having dinner with your gal tonight. Taking her to Danny's Buffalo Cuisine near the stadium.
your contest will NOT be missed.....that is for sure, wish you could come do this one.....Kettering is really a great contest, awesome trophies...very unique.....and a great group of folks attend.....
Now I'm an old crusty??????? You aint bringing that pellet thingy are you..........

Laughing, he will be there.....we have been busy, he now owns a butcher shop/deli/cafe, the great part of that is getting choice picks on my place to wet age my brisket, and all the tools necessary to trim it all up on Thursdays, re-vacuum seal everything in his commercial equipment...and hit the road to the contests....
He says that he wants you to meet this ol guy that is there....we both think he kinda reminds us of you.....grins, an ol' crusty who cracks on my pellet cooker.....
Hope your winter is not too bad, and yes Jim, as soon as tax refunds come back, you will be one of the first ones to get my government appreciation money....looking forward to it.....