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is one Smokin' Farker
Sep 6, 2019
Name or Nickame
My sister’s family moved to Dallas at charismas last year. My three nieces were only in school a couple months when covid hit so it’s been really tough having no friends at all in a new town. In addition to regular b-day presents I wrote a card to ea saying I’ll cook them a special meal. Kaitlyn is a HUGE meat eater so this cook was a blast.
She requested pulled pork, french fries and corn on the cob, I expanded a bit.

Pulled pork – Always great
Chopped beef chuck roast
Pork butt burn ends – OMG amazing
Smoked turkey
Bologna chub – first time cooking, won’t be the last
Parmesan fries with garlic aioli
Firebox side grilled corn on the cob

All turned out fantastic and it made Kaitlyn feel extra special!







So did I all of a sudden kick start the bologna fad again?!!! Man That is some good looking grub!

You know you did! Your posts along with thirdeye pics and 16Adams constantly telling us how good it is :wink:

I learned a few things cooking it myself. I smoked for 2 hrs. Will go 3 hrs next time as it could have used more smoke flavor. I only scored maybe 1/4" deep. I will go 1/2-1" deep next time. All the flavor is in this area so might as well take advantage.

Going to fry up some left over bologna tonight. Can't wait!
No doubt you enjoyed cooking that delicious looking food as much as she liked eating it. Hopefully it was a bit of normalcy in an otherwise abnormal time. Best wishes for the family and continuing to adjust to their new surroundings.
That looks awesome! How about these pork butt burnt ends? First time hearing about these.

As 16Adams pointed out they may not really be burnt ends because obviously they aren't brisket. What does he know though :razz:

I've had pork belly burnt ends at Heim and cooked them a few times. They are awesome but also ridiculously decadent and I feel a little dirty afterwards.

These pork butt burnt ends are a better choice in my opinion for a regular cook item. They are dead easy and turned out absolutely fantastic. I wasn't exactly sure what to do with them so I prepped exact same way I do ribs. Recommend you try your regular rib technique and see what you think (I'm talking seasoning/wrapping/rest. Cook times will vary). For me that meant salt/pepper rub. Smoked until they looked good then thrown into tinfoil with sweet baby rays. I checked on them until they probed like butter. I ended up giving them about a 3 hr rest just do to timing. The one I ate right off the fire was tender and wonderful, letting them rest longer obviously doesn't hurt though.

I don't know if I will ever cook a whole pork butt again. These are just too good. They are like tender meat candy and everyone in haled them. Cutting a chunk off the butt shortens the overall cook time as well so that's another plus.

You need to give them a try!