I got this idea from the CBBQA site, to check and see how many rookie teams there are for 2010. Rookie team is a team with a head cook that has not been a head cook before for any team, even if different than your current team name.
So, let's start a list shall we? Post your team name, and website if you have one.
I'll start with mine. Until about a week ago, I was just a backyard pitmaster. I've since paid my association dues and am having my first comp (informal) in April.
57 Smokehouse (Alan in GA)
Astra BBQ (QansasjayhawQ)
Big B's BBQ (Big B)
Big Daddy's Bama BBQ (Big Daddy's Bama BBQ)
BigFish BBQ (Tritonman)
- Irving Elks Lodge (IBCA) 10th place ribs
Big JT's Smokin BBQ (indianagriller)
Big Ol' Boys Bar-B-Q (BigOlBoysBarBQ)
Big Poppa Smokers (Biffalo)
Boat-n-BBQ (Boat-n-BBQ)
Bubba's Que Crew (Smoke & Beers)
Chance Daniel's BBQ (WBBQ)
Clay Hill Cookers (Clay Hill)
CrazyQ (crazyq)
Degüello BBQ (Kit R)
Donkey Punch BBQ (Tod Ras)
Fire & Spice (Goddahavit)
Flamin' "Q" Competition BBQ Team (DakotaBBQ)
High Q Cookers (High Q)
Humboldt Smoke BBQ (HumboldtSmokeBBQ)
- Hang Town Q Fest; 5th in Ribs, 4th in Brisket, 5th place overall
iBQ'n (Rich Parker)
J.C.'s Wicked BBQ (wickedbbq'r)
Jimbo's Hickory Corner BBQ (Badfrog)
Jo Jo's Pullin Pork (bbq ron)
Life of Brine (Redheart)
Porter Mac's Rockin' Q (tmcmaster)
Prove It Bragger BBQ (Thursday)
Rub 'em Raw BBQ (Jeff Selle)
Rub-Won-Out (sitnfat & MoGreen)
Savage Beagle BBQ (iSmoke)
Shotgun Smokers (Shotgun Smokers)
SirPorkalot BBQ Team (SirPorkalot)
Slower Lower BBQ (stallardmark
Smoke Another One (shaneholz)
Smolderin Swine (Smolderin Swine)
Southern Home Boyz (Southern Home Boy)
Swinestone Cowboys (Capn Kev)
The Smokin Albertina's (pizzakngjr)
Thunder Road Smokehouse (TRS)
Two State BBQ (icbateman3)
U-Needa (D.J.)
Whyte House BBQ (Forrest)
Worth Smokin' BBQ (worthsmokin)
Yankee Rebels (mfreeman73)
Mod Note: I think Forrest had a very good idea! We've discussed it and I am going to make this a sticky at the top of the forum so it stays up top. Please add your team information below. if you haven't already added your team to the Listing of Brethren Member Team Names, please do that as well! that is really the master team list. This one is a fun list for rookies (again, no hard definition, it is for fun).
Also, as you compete and start to get calls (let's define that as top 10 in any KCBS category or overall) post aht and I'll add that to the list under your team name. At the end of the year we'll archive this list and start a new one for 2011!
In order to keep the thread clean after I add you to the list i will mark your post as done and then delete the ones that I have done after a day or so. also, please try to keep the discussion to a minimum since those posts will also be deleted as I add names to the list. As the season goes on there will be Roll Call and discussion threads opened for most competitions so you can talk about plans to meet, etc. in those threads. Also, for this list i am going to just show the team name and the Brethren Member name of whoever requests the listing. If yu want more info like location and web site please include that info in your list in the main team name thread.
Oh yeah! Good luck to all of you!
So, let's start a list shall we? Post your team name, and website if you have one.
I'll start with mine. Until about a week ago, I was just a backyard pitmaster. I've since paid my association dues and am having my first comp (informal) in April.
57 Smokehouse (Alan in GA)
Astra BBQ (QansasjayhawQ)
Big B's BBQ (Big B)
Big Daddy's Bama BBQ (Big Daddy's Bama BBQ)
BigFish BBQ (Tritonman)
- Irving Elks Lodge (IBCA) 10th place ribs
Big JT's Smokin BBQ (indianagriller)
Big Ol' Boys Bar-B-Q (BigOlBoysBarBQ)
Big Poppa Smokers (Biffalo)
Boat-n-BBQ (Boat-n-BBQ)
Bubba's Que Crew (Smoke & Beers)
Chance Daniel's BBQ (WBBQ)
Clay Hill Cookers (Clay Hill)
CrazyQ (crazyq)
Degüello BBQ (Kit R)
Donkey Punch BBQ (Tod Ras)
Fire & Spice (Goddahavit)
Flamin' "Q" Competition BBQ Team (DakotaBBQ)
High Q Cookers (High Q)
Humboldt Smoke BBQ (HumboldtSmokeBBQ)
- Hang Town Q Fest; 5th in Ribs, 4th in Brisket, 5th place overall
iBQ'n (Rich Parker)
J.C.'s Wicked BBQ (wickedbbq'r)
Jimbo's Hickory Corner BBQ (Badfrog)
Jo Jo's Pullin Pork (bbq ron)
Life of Brine (Redheart)
Porter Mac's Rockin' Q (tmcmaster)
Prove It Bragger BBQ (Thursday)
Rub 'em Raw BBQ (Jeff Selle)
Rub-Won-Out (sitnfat & MoGreen)
Savage Beagle BBQ (iSmoke)
Shotgun Smokers (Shotgun Smokers)
SirPorkalot BBQ Team (SirPorkalot)
Slower Lower BBQ (stallardmark
Smoke Another One (shaneholz)
Smolderin Swine (Smolderin Swine)
Southern Home Boyz (Southern Home Boy)
Swinestone Cowboys (Capn Kev)
The Smokin Albertina's (pizzakngjr)
Thunder Road Smokehouse (TRS)
Two State BBQ (icbateman3)
U-Needa (D.J.)
Whyte House BBQ (Forrest)
Worth Smokin' BBQ (worthsmokin)
Yankee Rebels (mfreeman73)
Mod Note: I think Forrest had a very good idea! We've discussed it and I am going to make this a sticky at the top of the forum so it stays up top. Please add your team information below. if you haven't already added your team to the Listing of Brethren Member Team Names, please do that as well! that is really the master team list. This one is a fun list for rookies (again, no hard definition, it is for fun).
Also, as you compete and start to get calls (let's define that as top 10 in any KCBS category or overall) post aht and I'll add that to the list under your team name. At the end of the year we'll archive this list and start a new one for 2011!
In order to keep the thread clean after I add you to the list i will mark your post as done and then delete the ones that I have done after a day or so. also, please try to keep the discussion to a minimum since those posts will also be deleted as I add names to the list. As the season goes on there will be Roll Call and discussion threads opened for most competitions so you can talk about plans to meet, etc. in those threads. Also, for this list i am going to just show the team name and the Brethren Member name of whoever requests the listing. If yu want more info like location and web site please include that info in your list in the main team name thread.
Oh yeah! Good luck to all of you!
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