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Unfathomable Bastid

Full Fledged Farker
Sep 23, 2010
Commerce Township, Michigan
Good Morning, Brethren!

It's my dad and step-mom's 40th anniversary today. So, my crazy family is getting together to celebrate with a potluck dinner. Given there's 30 of us, I thought my contribution would be some kickass brisket. This dinner is gonna be epic. Not just because of the food -- but also because there are any number of pre-existing drama situations that could explode during the 3-4 hours together. It'll be good television.

Anyway, what you see here is a 19 pound Costco Prime brisket. I've only cooked choice before, so I'm excited about the opportunity to bring this top dog to the party.

Using BluDawg's method. She's all rubbed up, and on the WSM at 7am. Adding an extra hour to the process give her size. So I'm forecasting this baby to be done around 4:00pm (including an hour's rest). I'll keep you posted...


EDIT: I decided the one brisket wasn't enough for 30 people. So, ummmm I decided to add six racks of spare ribs. That outta do it :shocked:

Time to wrap this bad boy!!

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If I get in the truck now I can probably make it in time for after the rest. Nice start.