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I recently did a 8lb bone-in butt where I smoked it the first 4hrs at 200-250deg with apple wood chunks for the smoke. I checked the internal temp at 4.5hrs and it was 153deg. I then opened the up the bottom vents so I could get the temp up to the 250-300deg range for the remainder of the cook. At the 8hr mark my internal temp was 183deg. I figured I would have had an hour or less left to get to 200deg but I underestimated my amount of charcoal I had, so my smoker temp was down to 200deg and I was out of fuel. So I had to take the butt off the grill and wrap it and put it in the oven to get to 200deg. Set the oven to 325deg and it took about 45minutes to get to 200deg. Let it rest for 30minutes and the bone pulled out clean. Matter of fact it almost fell out. Total time for the cook was around 9.5 hrs. Would have been less if I would have had more charcoal to keep the temp up where I wanted it at. I'll post pics soon.

That sucks man, you should always have extra coal sitting around.