• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


  1. R

    Fresh Steelhead from lake erie (UDS smoke)

    Hey guys. I wanted to share these pictures and this smoke with you. I was up at lake erie flyfishing yesterday and caught a beautiful steelhead which is basicly a large rainbow trout. This fish was gorgeous chrome and put up a heck of a fight. My goal was to preserve the freshness of this fish...
  2. J

    Rotisserie Trout a la Avalanche Lake

    Never afraid to go the extra mile for my fellow Brethren, today Knucklehed BBQ and I hoofed it over two miles up to Avalanche Lake in Glacier National Park, navigating perilously among cantankerous grizzlies and ravenous deer in order to prepare today’s entry just for YOU...
  3. grillfella

    trout recipes

    Hey guys I will be fishing for trout up in Bishop California this weekend, Once I catch my fish is there any good recipes you want to share with this novice fisherman? any help would be appreciated:-D
  4. motoeric

    Smoked Fish

    Hey, I was wondering how many of you who cater or have restaurants go out of your way to offer fish on Fridays during lent to attract people who can't eat meat. If you already offer fish, do you see a spike in sales? What's the best type of fish to smoke? Thanks! Eric
  5. S

    Not your typical fare...

    Hey dad, this is Sean. Figured I would ask this here so others of your group could chime in. I got the idea to smoke some trout, stuffed with smoked ham, mint, and some other goodies. Now since I haven't done fish I would curious if you could give some hints. One of my roommates has a small...
  6. S

    Recipe for smoked trout?

    Gents, Hope everyone is doing well---lately I haven't had as many chances to post. Went fishing 2 weekends ago in AR along the Norfolk river and caught some trout. I've tried TK's version of smoking salmon and it was fabulous, but I'm not sure if it will work with Rainbow trout. Any...