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brunswick stew

  1. Jason TQ

    Brunswick Stew w/Brisket & Pork

    My wife and I are visiting our new nephew who was born last week down in FL. Brought down some bbq for them and used some to make brunswick stew for dinner last night. Pretty basic recipe. I don’t have all the exact quantities written down, but this is normally what I I do (ingredient pick...
  2. Boshizzle

    Secrets of Old Virginia Brunswick Stew

    Is anyone interested in learning some little known secrets of making old Virginia Brunswick stew? If so, I am happy to post them. The old timers had a particular way of cooking the delicious stew. I am willing to share them in the interest of preserving and spreading the tradition. Here is the...
  3. Boshizzle

    Virginia Brunswick Stew Proclamation Stew Crew Cook

    Today, I had the privilege of hanging out with the national Brunswick stew championship cook team "The Proclamation Stew Crew" as they cooked up their award winning Virginia Brunswick stew for a large and eager crowd. What a great time! Here are some pics. Stirring the Stew as it transforms...
  4. Boshizzle

    Kentucky Burgoo - Teaser

    I cooked up a pot of Kentucky burgoo today. It's been described as a soupy stew and a stewy soup. Either way, it's pretty tasty. In Kentucky, old timers tell us that they used to hold "burgoos" (events where huge kettles of burgoo were cooked) and the barbecue was the side show. This version is...
  5. Boshizzle

    Dutch Oven Corn Bread and Stew

    I cooked up some corn bread and stew yesterday and thought I would post some pics. The corn bread recipe is one that my family enjoys. The corn bread is on the sweet side with a cake like texture. This recipe is also gluten free. You can use wheat flour based ingredients too if you prefer. I...
  6. Boshizzle

    Authentic Delicious 19th Century Virginia Brunswick (Barbecue) Stew! Pron & Recipe

    Brunswick Stew is a great Virginia tradition that goes back to about 1816. First cooked by James (Jimmy) Matthews as a squirrel stew, the recipe as we know it today was pretty much settled between 1816 and 1828 thanks to a fellow named Ned Stith. Both Matthews and Stith lived in Brunswick, VA...
  7. P

    Pappy’s Brunswick Stew (Low Carb.) prOn

    Pappy’s Brunswick Stew (Low Carb.) Pulled, Pork, Chicken, Hamburger Zucchini, Peppers Green Beans, Celery, Onion, Corn, Lima Beans, Cauliflower All in the pot. Lets Eat! Pappy’s Brunswick Stew (Low Carb.) Recipe 1.4 pounds Lean Hamburger (browned and drained) 2 pounds...
  8. beerguy

    So you want to make 125 gal of Brunswick stew today?

    As some of you know, Brauma and his church edlers have been making Brunswick stew as a church fundraiser for the last 30 yrs or so. Brauma is now the chief cook, as the elders are in there late 70's and early 80's. I've been helping out for at least 12 years off and on, and this has gotten...