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somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Batch Image
Oct 12, 2008
Gallatin, TN
Name or Nickame
I was shopping at Sam’s club recently, and this jumped into the cart while I was looking the other way. Who was I to argue with such a nice looking piece of meat?

I seasoned the meat generously with coffee rub, seasoned salt, and Oakridge Carne Crosta, then put it in the fridge for the remainder of the day.

I had originally planned to cook the meat on my OKJ Highlander, but it’s still in the garage and really didn’t have time to pull it out and cut splits to fit the firebox, so, I decided to use the Kingsford Oval.

Meat went on indirect, with a couple of small pieces of oak for smoke, and finished it off on the hot side for a nice sear:

Pulled the meat off when the temp was 130:

Then I began deconstructing it so it could be sliced - separated the filet and cap from the bone:

Didn’t take a lot of pictures as there were lots of distractions happening that night, but it was very tasty. Nice, rich beef flavor, and some tasty slightly charred bits on the edges.

Thanks fer lookin’!
Looks great Richard!

Been a while since I grilled a nice hunk of beef like that. Maybe this coming weekend. :nod: