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Dec 11, 2007
El Paso, TX
Name or Nickame
One of the dishes I remember most, is my Dad's or Mom's version of Mexican spaghetti. I really don't know who came up with it. Most times it was made with pork neck bones, or just any meat that was leftover. A batch of chile Colorado was made and the meat tossed in and served over a bed of pasta. Gonna go a different route here and try to enter a dish in the TD Legs Battle. Here's the red chile and the chicken.
More to come!
Some red chile boiling and reducing. I pulled out all of those onion slices and ate em! Damn, they are good!


When you spatch a bird, don't throw the spine away! Grill it up. Chef's treat or pull the skin, meat, tail and give Fido a treat. OR, you can boil it down for a small batch of stock. I went the Chef's Treat route!
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Wrap up. I sliced up the chops and we had em for appetizers. Just dipped em in the sauce. Gotta load that pic.
Here's the money shots.


The aftermath! Yes, I licked the plate after the pic!!!

Here's how we killed off the pork chops that the 6 legged chicken laid!
Red chile is just one of those simple, inexpensive ingredients that just lends itself for so many things. I've made pizzas with it in place of a tomato based sauce. It's just SOOOOO good! And when you pair it with meats........even better! I think I have finally digested that plate.:-D I can't tell you how good a slice of bread dipped in that red chile is! I went through 4 or 4 slices of bread. That's all I was doing was dipping in there and eating em. It's a very dark and earthy taste with some heat. It is the one food that I would call "home!" That is the one thing I associate with growing up and what is a true "comfort" food for me.

Thanks for looking!
