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Babbling Farker
Aug 18, 2013
A buddy sent me a picture of a rig he ordered from someone in Austin back in November he should be getting it "soon".

its a rocket stove set up to mount /transport on a trailer hitch. In addition to a flat grate, it comes with a (looks to be) 22" discada. It is a COOL looking rig.

The question I have is: How do you control the temps on a rocket stove...
I though the goal of a rocket stove was to run wide open max heat. But I never owned one and really know nothing
P.S. More Wood = More Fire = More Heat/Temps

P.S.II. The sides/edges of a discadas are Not as Hot as the Center………….

P.S.III I need to order a discada for my rocket stove……….

P.S.IV Some woks are flatter than others and sometimes cheaper than a discada………..
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I have a discada and a burner that probably has too many BTU’s to be useful for the discada. It focuses the heat in the middle and the edges of the discada don’t really get warm enough to cook on. The center can get glowing red hot if you aren’t careful. I don’t find it to be a good cooking tool but without seeing the one you’re talking about, can’t really surmise how that one might do. If I get it too hot it’ll burn the seasoning right off. Not hot enough and you’re cooking in maybe 6-8” out of the 30” of the discada.
I use my discada on my 22" kettle. It doesn't take a lot of coals to make it hot enough to cook on.
The Rocket Stove seems like it would get too hot. Butt. with a bit of time to learn what the RS needed to achieve proper temps it might just be a kick @ss cooker.
Now I gotta find out what a RS costs...
What made me question of how good a fit it would be is that most of the videos of rocket stoves I've seen just show them running wide azz open- fire leaping out the top- holy hell hot. This made me wonder if it would be a good choice over a nice propane burner where temp control is just a twist of a nob away.

Most of the ones I've seen are pretty simple- I saw no obvious way of controlling temps except by the amount of wood you put in the chute. I've never cooked on anything remotely like this and am sort of intrigued by the idea. I just wondered about the mechanics of stirring and flipping food while keeping that fire stoked just right at the same time. Maybe it's super easy and I'm just overthinking stuff (again)

He will have it delivered in a few weeks- he's a lot more patient than I could be. I've asked for pictures - if he shares, I will too.