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Guess I'll start this one off with Steven Raichlen's Buenos Aires "Heart-Stopper" recipe from his Planet Barbecue book. The link to the recipe is here

Please accept this as my entry in the Special "Cookbook Inspired" Throwdown:


Link to cook thread is here.
Official Entry

It was my turn to cook for a small group of family and friends so I jumped right into this throwdown. I went on line and found a couple recipes:

I was "inspired" to combine them using the best parts of both. (One of the guests can't eat real spicy food so I didn't use any green chiles or jalapenos like I normally would have.)

I started with some fresh brats, cut slits and made a well in each.

The next step was to stuff them with a cream cheese, mashed potato, cheddar and garlic concoction.
Then I sprinkled them with Hard Core Carnivore Tex-Mex rub and topped them with feta crumbles.

Into the stick burner they went at 300F for about an hour.
I pulled them when the internal temp hit 165F.

I topped them with chopped green onions and served them with more mashed potatoes and some potato bread and a salad.

Please use the last pic (the one on the plate) for judging.


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