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Found some matches.
Nov 27, 2020
Winchenden, Ma
Name or Nickame
Good evening all and thank you for allowing me to be a part of this great group of smokers and pitmasters. I look forward to learning allot from you all.

A little about me. Not to computer literate so will try my best. Retired Navy here and just retired from second career with Toyota to live with daughter and family in our inlaw suite here in Mass. 4 kids and 12 grandkids. Loving life here.

Have 3 smokers. BGE Large 4 years, Hunsaker drum smoker 2 years and RECTEC 700 for 1 year. Basically not much little fire management.

I am now retired and went from smoking for 2 a few times a week to smoking for 7 (3-4 times a week and 1 time a week for 11 or 12).

My goal with my next purchase approved by boss (wife) is to find a smoker to get as close to real wood smoked flavors and extra capacity. So I am looking at 2 options.
1. Lonestar offset 20x42
2. Lonestar Insulated vertical smoker Large

My help needed are in the following areas at this time to help make a decision to order this week.

1. Is going offset and fire managing something I should really fear or be concerned about? I have never had to and thus do not know if many others gave up after trying. I want to think I will do it for briskets, shoulders etc but can not say without actually being put to the task.

1a. Is it true Offsets are hard to manage in the cold weather?

2. The other concern is I have tried to find a wood supplier here for seasoned hardwood in Mass/NH and have not had luck. All want to sell me Kiln dried wood and I have read that it is not the best choice if I go offset smoker due to burning hotter and quicker. Anyone one in the New England area have a firewood supplier for seasoned hardwood? If I can not locate a supplier than the offset is a mute point moving forward.

3. Lastly if I go with a IVS for those who have one or both (that and a offset). Is there a big difference in smoke quality and flavor? Wife thinks this may be a better route to go due to less time working the fire. Guess she does not think I will do it. But I just do not want to spend money on a another smoker if I am not achieving my goal of better smoked BBq.

I thank you all for allowing me into this family and your time and guidance. I look forward to being a part of the forum, learning growing and hopefully adding wisdom to others when I can.

Richard aka Colonel Klink
Welocme to the asylum!

You may be better off posting your specific questions in the QTalk section. You will get more responses.
Welcome to the forum from Victoria, Aust.
Mostly a friendly bunch here that are very sharing with information.
Enjoy your time here, I sure have
Welcome from Oklahoma. I don't think the learning curve is that bad on fire management with a quality smoker like you are looking at. However I'm not in as cold of environment as you are. As was already said. Q Talk is probably the best place to ask those questions. You'll get lots of advice there. Welcome again
Welcome. My son is in Sudbury MA. For wood check out some orchards they may have wood but it needs to be seasoned. You may want to think about an insulated cabinet smoker. You can get great flavor and it uses charcoal and wood chunks. Meadowcreek makes 2 and both are Beasts. Offsets will give the most smoke flavor. If you want that you will need an insulated firebox. I had an offset. Loved it just can’t stay up all night. PM brethren Lunchman AKA Dom. He lives in MA. If I can help let me know. BTW use to love Hogans Heroes
Welcome and Thank you for your many years of Service in the Navy. USAF here.

A stick burner will give you superior BBQ one you learn fire management. The trade off is it will take more of your time to tend. It will get easier as you learn your specific pit.

Great to have you here. Jump into Q-Talk with both feet! :grin: