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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
Years ago as the sun set along the Colorado River I found myself drinking whiskey as the deer season came to an end. We (the landowner)were on the edge of an old Comanche campground. We had seen several nice bucks through the windshield, shooting them with our fingertips. We had no plans to shoot anything, just a farewell drink to the end of the season. We were discussing the meaning of life and he said, “you know-you can’t buy your way into Heaven”.
Just be generous. Even when it’s the last thing on your mind, be generous. Today I gifted smoked green chile cheese meatloaf, Spares, BabyBacks, Wings And some pork tamales (purchased at a really cool Mexican Restaurant)to a person who loves to eat these things but is no longer able to cook them.
I like to cook, and I enjoy gifting what I cook.

But I realize,”you can’t buy your way into Heaven”
Years ago as the sun set along the Colorado River I found myself drinking whiskey as the deer season came to an end. We (the landowner)were on the edge of an old Comanche campground. We had seen several nice bucks through the windshield, shooting them with our fingertips. We had no plans to shoot anything, just a farewell drink to the end of the season. We were discussing the meaning of life and he said, “you know-you can’t buy your way into Heaven”.

Just be generous. Even when it’s the last thing on your mind, be generous. Today I gifted smoked green chile cheese meatloaf, Spares, BabyBacks, Wings And some pork tamales (purchased at a really cool Mexican Restaurant)to a person who loves to eat these things but is no longer able to cook them.

I like to cook, and I enjoy gifting what I cook.

But I realize,”you can’t buy your way into Heaven”
Amen to that. For me, I watched my father give back to EVERYONE when I was growing up. Often times, to those who quit frankly didn't deserve it. He always did it with a smile on his face until he passed two years ago.

I often wondered why he was so caring and sympathetic to those who weren't. It hit me one day after I found myself doing the same things he did. If I can make a positive impact on at least one person's life each day, I know I will leave this world with no regrets.

My dad was super sick the last few years of his life with COPD. Physically he was miserable. But he remained happy until his last day, I suppose because he knew he gave life everything he could while he was healthy. That is what he left me with and for that I am truly thankful.

Give life everything you have folks. You only get one.

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The Blessing you gift to another can sometimes go a long way in their life in a manner we may never see. Acts of selfless kindness can change another's out look and will allow them to respond to others in a similar manner, because we never really know what shoes that person is walking in at that moment in time.
Man is becoming too tribal and divisions are becoming more stark in everyday life to the point of constant fighting over things that have no real basis in life.
Random acts of kindness are actually the glue / bonding of Humanity.
Being a "Brethren", with the love of the Art of the Que, gives us a means of touching others lives in many ways. What we take pride in, and what we derive joy from, can be a means of providing a healing to others when we dont even know that they need it.
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The Blessing you gift to another can sometimes go a long way in their life in a manner we may never see. Acts of selfless kindness can change another's out look and will allow them to respond to others in a similar manner, because we never really know what shoes that person is walking in at that moment in time.
Man is becoming too tribal and divisions are becoming more stark in everyday life to the point of constant fighting over things that have no real basis in life.
Random acts of kindness are actually the glue / bonding of Humanity.
Being a "Brethren", with the love of the Art of the Que, gives us a means of touching others lives in many ways. What we take pride in, and what we derive joy from, can be a means of providing a healing to others when we dont even know that they need it.

Well said sir !
As my old friend Alfred E Neuman used to say Why Worry?

There are only two things to worry about

Either you are well, or you are sick.

If you are sick,

then there are only two things to worry about:

Either you will get well, or you will die.

If you die,

then there are only two things to worry about:

Either you will go to heaven or to hell.

If you go to heaven there is nothing to worry about.

But if you go to hell,

You'll be so damn busy shaking hands with all the Brethren

You won't have time to worry!
Basic Green Chile meatloaf recipe. You can change to favorite filler-crackers, gold fish, bread crumbs, crumpled toast, Panko etc etc. add as much shredded cheese as you want. A cool thing to do is make a bread loaf and stuff with those small cheese discs that come in the fishnet holder. My wife prefers a Ketchup Topping. With meatloaf you’re only limited by your imagination.