
It's hard to answer since there are two sizes of WSM. Which one did you mean?
the ONLY thing my 22" WSM can not cook is my clock.

wait.... that would be CLEAN my clock.

ok, nevermind.:roll:
Folding or rolling brisket I could fit three on each grate for a total of six I just can't afford to cook six briskets at one time.....
I added a third rack from my kettle and held it up with some fire bricks between the top and bottom racks on my 22.5 WSM and cooked three 14lb briskets.
I have cooked as many as 8 butts on an 18.5" WSM though 6 works better.

If pressed, I'm sure I could do 12 racks of ribs. 2 briskets is my max though.

When I compete, it's with 4 WSMs, one for each meat.