Workhorse Pit - 8 months in - Fire Question

Agree with split size variations as terribly important - I always liked to keep at least two species on hand as well for different burn properties so could respond as needed

Kindling cracker is amazing for rapidly creating split of various sizes-
More you cook, the better you will get. Every pit has a sweet spot it wants to run at, don't fight it, learn to cook there. As far as the 1000 gallon pits, when they fill them up, it provides a big heat sink. More meat on the pit, easier to maintain a temp.

Never seen a piece of meat that cared about temp swings, it's just BBQ, don't over think it.
Beating a dead horse but....

Yeah, I stopped using digital therms on my offset. Drove me CRAZY. Now I just use the one thermometer on the door. 3 years into stick burning and I’m still learning. I’m finally getting to that 25 degree consistency range. I shoot for 275. If it goes 250-300, no problem. Like someone else said, your oven probably has a 50 degree range.