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dave how much cumin you think i will need? i have aprx 3-3 1/2 cups of rub made.
Prefer pecan, but it's a bit hard to find. 2nd (which we use 90% of the time) would
be hickory. Cherry can get pretty strong, IMHO. 3rd would be a little white oak, or
4th even smaller amount of red oak.
ya i didnt even think.. we have a little mom and pop owned hardware store that carries quite a few different woods. and i drove right by it on my way home from the butcher today lol
I also usually use a mixture of hickory and apple. At one point and time I had access to coffee wood that I used... very similar to oak, and added a great flavor!
coffee wood? different, but interesting. would like to give it a try if i ran across some
I recently used a combo of Hickory, Apple and Oak. It was delicious!
like it says... wood for butt. in your opinion what is some of the best smokin woods to use when smokin some butt?

on to what im doin,

this Saturday i am going to be smokin aprx 60 Lbs for pulled pork. my dad hired me (for free lol) with out me even knowing to smoke for their church BBQ/picnic. today i made a basic rub consisting of : brown sugar, paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, dry mustard and fresh ground black pepper. it came out good, a little sweet, a little salty, a little spicy with good depth of flavor. very well balanced flavors in my opinion.

correct me if im wrong on this.. im goin to trim the excess fat off, slather with yellow mustard, coat in my rub, smoke until aprx 160, wrap in foil, continue cook until 190-200, take off heat wrap in towel place in cooler to rest for an hour then pull and sauce to liking.

and as far as wood (my original question lol) i have some cherry in my garage that i have used before and came out good. was just curious to as if there was a more so favored flavor of wood for the butts. :thumb:

Who gave you your ideas for thread names, Dr KY? Sorry, I'm still laughing at your title! :shocked:
ya ive used alder for salmon and trout, was just curios to as if anyone tried it on anything else
lol thanks man.. everything i do, i can make sound dirty lol. im just that kinda guy
I love apple for most everything...maybe with some hickory mixed in!!
Cherry and Oak because that's what I have at this time. Pecan and Peach is another good combo.