Willie Palooza

last years teams will be invited back and giving a chance to sign up first

if you did attened last year please pm me your e-mail info and other contact info as my home computer crashed and i lost everything from last year. also if you know anyone who would like to attened have them send me info so i can e-mail them when the site is updated

Thank you

Willie B
BEBA President
I really want to do this one this year, assuming I don't end up going to LA for five weeks to do a cooking show. The field from the NY casting has been cut from 500 to about 10 so I should know within the week.

Clint, YES or NO No explantion needed about your food show. We don't care about that. We care if you are coming to hang and cook with LIFO and see more neekid girls :biggrin:
Bring that bottle of shine and you'll be seeing more than just old, wrinkly, saggy bags on a 65 y/o woman!
