Wildwood BBQ - November Bash (NYC)

I suffer from a paucity of imagination, so bear (mmmmmm, smoked bear) with me.

I'm following a circus based hunch and drive up to the golden arches. Looking inside, I see that Mr. Johnson is in serious discussions with Ronald McDonald, trying to recruit him for future circuses.

I order the extra value 'McRib' meal and I get 3 beef ribs, each bigger than my head. The fries are maple sweet potato and the drink is a Saranac root beer. I discretely mention 'Illuminati' and the cashier winks and passes over a small bag of still warm peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies.

While regretting not getting out to Wildwood, I have to appreciate MickyDees stepping up their game.


The good part is, we get to use our imagination with this Bash since it's in our heads and not real. I'm gonna got to Fantasy Island Wildwood as I type this. I'm on the train, now I am being seated and drinking a sweet tea (very good), I'm eating ribs now (St. Louis-dry rub only). Mac & Cheese is killer.

I'm gonna ask for my cookie now...(PS- The password is "Illuminati" for those playing at home")I hope it's a white chocolate chip cookie with macadamia nuts and craisins.. I like those.

Yes !! It is !!! The waitress must like me, she brought me two cookies and her phone #.

I'm stuffed. I highly recommend visiting. Great job on the meats Matt !!!

You're turn... who wants to play ?