Which rib roast to buy?

If it's well marbled, I go CAB, even for the price difference. I mean, overall, what, that means an extra $10 or so? If you can afford Prime Rib, you can afford the extra $10 or so, right?
Check the label and the USDA grade, then pick the best looking one from the lot. Advertising and descriptions are sometimes vague.

CAB is raised with special requirements and will bear their own label, or variation of this label:


Angus beef can be choice, or select and usually when it is not CAB, the producers label goes to great extreme to make you think otherwise. Like this brisket.... it's Angus, and it's USDA Choice and it says "USDA Certified" and "Special Reserve"... but it's not CAB.

I have been pondering a beef tenderloin or a standing rib roast myself. I found a local shop here that has Prime standing rib roasts. so that would be a prime prime rib ;), it was $23/lb. but was beautifully marbled, I'm sure beef that good would have been wasted on two teenage boys :)