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Knows what a fatty is.
Nov 1, 2018
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Gotta cook 125 lbs of loins for a football banquet, some said they want it medium and some said well, the person paying just told me to cook em all the same and it didnt matter to him......I guess I am going to pull them at 145-150 then wrap and into cambro......what would you do?
I prefer 140. I think that's the perfect spot in terms of texture and moisture. But if you're cooking for a crowd, you're bound to have some people who won't eat pink pork. So you'll probably have to take it to 145-150 to please the crowd. Just don't take it past 150; past that point it starts to dry out.

Edit: Just re-read your post and noticed that you're going to be wrapping and holding them. In that case I wouldn't go past 145 because you'll probably get some carry-over.
I prefer 140. I think that's the perfect spot in terms of texture and moisture. But if you're cooking for a crowd, you're bound to have some people who won't eat pink pork. So you'll probably have to take it to 145-150 to please the crowd. Just don't take it past 150; past that point it starts to dry out.

Edit: Just re-read your post and noticed that you're going to be wrapping and holding them. In that case I wouldn't go past 145 because you'll probably get some carry-over.

yea, I will be holding them for about a hour to hour and half and def dont want to dry out.....serving with green beans,mac n cheese and mashed potatoes and gravy....gravy on the side for those that want it on their meat...
How hot are you cooking? The hotter the cook temp the more carry over. I normally cook pork loins at 275 and pull at 140.
If you are gonna hold em hot do not go past 140-145.Are you individually wrapping them or just tossin in the cambro in pans? Either way I would let them rest a few minutes after coming off the cooker before putting them in the holding vessel.Good luck and take some pictures to share with us.
I cook mine to 145 with around a 10-15 minute rest. But as stated above, 140 seems like a good number. Don't forget to give yourself extra time cause each loin will finish at a different time. May only be a couple of minutes apart but that adds up. What are you cooking on?
Gotta cook 125 lbs of loins for a football banquet, some said they want it medium and some said well, the person paying just told me to cook em all the same and it didnt matter to him......I guess I am going to pull them at 145-150 then wrap and into cambro......what would you do?

I agree with pulling at 140 to 145 if you are going to hold in a Cambro.

Another idea would be brining your loins to help them retain moisture. If you have a big lug or tub you could brine 4-5 hours or overnight. 1 cup of Kosher Salt to One Gallon of water brine ratio. Easy to do and makes a big difference.