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Happy Hapgood

somebody shut me the fark up.

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Batch Image
Mar 17, 2012
Shreveport, Louisiana
Name or Nickame
The Wife picked up a couple of packs of spares and I trimmed them St. Louis style. Tried two different rubs on them. The rear rack got Santa Maria Grill Seasoning rub that my good Friend Silverfinger sent. Thanks Buddy. The front rack got SM Spicy Apple:


This pic is bad. Not sure what happened but both racks about 1 hour in on the 18.5 WSM with a rib rack:


A Friend had given me some peach tree limbs 1 to 2 inches in diameter. I cut them into about 6" links and threw 2 on the WSM for smoke. Now I had always heard peach is a mild wood and from a taste standpoint it is to me. I noticed that peach wood seems to give pork ribs a much darker color than say hickory. My other observation is that a little goes a long way.

The Santa Maria rub was the Bomb on ribs as was the Spicy Apple:


A good overall cook. Sorry, no plated pic's, may can do some tonight.

Thanks for lookin'! :becky:
I noticed that peach wood seems to give pork ribs a much darker color than say hickory.

Was it the wood that gave the meat a darker color, or was it the rub? I've noticed that different rubs can color meat differently.
Was it the wood that gave the meat a darker color, or was it the rub? I've noticed that different rubs can color meat differently.

That's one of the reasons I used the Spicy Apple rub with a wood I'd never tried. I am very familiar with the results or hickory and red and white oak.

Here's the same rub with hickory but these had a very light coat of sauce where as the first batch are Memphis style:

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Used to hunt where a friend had a peach orchard about 10 years ago. Peach was my "starter" wood and would love to have some to play with again. Been doing mostly pecan the last couple of years because i've got a pretty good pile of it.
I have used cherry and have gotten a darker smoke ring, have not used peach tho.

Good looking ribs Brother!:clap:

There's another wood I hope to try. I had a black cherry tree in my yard many years ago. The city came and I let them cut it down. Later on I found out that I screwed up by letting it go. :tsk: