What do you hope to find in your stocking??


Quintessential Chatty Farker
Aug 2, 2007
The cookies on my computer told me that maybe Mrs tx has ordered some Willie B's or something from BBQ Bubba's site. I didn't see the BGE site in the cookies :)icon_frow).

What do you hope to see tomorrow morn?
Hoping for the mini handheld Thermopen...with a few diff probes....kind of high end for a stocking stuffer....but it is Christmas after all and one can wish LARGE.
all you get for peeking at cookies is a lump of coal!

I gotta get some Lumps of Coal to give out next year. Thanks for the idea, Rick!
Rumor has it that Santy is Bringing me a Mortar and Pestle, A Big One!!!

24 Pounds Worth!!!!!:biggrin:
Rick, I got the last of the Bad Elf at Belmont today... they said they were out for now!

Also got Criminally Bad and Insanely Bad, and Bah Humbug. Bad Elf is KILLER!

Oh, and we're putting Lump of Coal Stout in a couple stockings for tomorrow.
Rumor has it that Santy is Bringing me a Mortar and Pestle, A Big One!!!

24 Pounds Worth!!!!!:biggrin:

Looks like your getting one like mine, only Bigger!!!


You'll find it very rewarding. And the clean is simple, warm water and soap, dry.

Heavy granite, very durable, bang away brother.
I hope to find my wife out of her stockings. HA!
Seriously though, I am hoping for a knife I told her I wanted or a thermapen. She knows have specific wants, so she ususally just lets me pick my own.