Westport Pot Luck Idea..


Full Fledged Farker
Jun 30, 2006
ansonia, ct
since we can't use the judges tent for a pot luck and the iron chef starts at 5 - what if we cooked something and then you just walked around to the tents of the teams participating between 4 & 5 pm with a dish and get to try some great food!
(I would make signs to ID the participating teams)

red planet bbq
We could always just make it more like a simple get-together. We have a large site as I'm sure some others of us do. Have the organizers put us together and we'll act as hosts. Bring your dish and a chair. If we get 3 sites next to each other we should be able to make it work. It just seems a little weird to me to walk food past non Brethren teams. I'm sure Willy will help out. Put us together again like Hudson Valley and maybe one more site and we should be set. We'll take care of forks, knives, plates as any good host should. If you think this will work let me know. Open to any suggestions. I'd like to see us have it again. We had a good time at Hudson Valley. Matt
We have done many potlucks at one or two teams sites. It usually works out well. Just make sure you have a couple of tables to put food on and more if you want people to eat at a table. Hope you have a great time and good eats!!
I as thinking the same thing. I'm sure the teams will help out if we need extra tables to make it work. It will all work out no matter how it gets done.