Weber charcoal grill cleaning question


Full Fledged Farker
Nov 5, 2011
hello members,

What can I use to clean and shine up the daisy vents and legs of my grill. The structure is fine but they are very dingy.
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Never tried it. Actually never cared really but if I did I'd prolly spiffy them up with some fine steel wool.... Cheers!!!
Fine (000) steel wool will work, or some fine-cut car polish.

I use my polisher and some Meguiar's fine cut polish on my kettles. On the legs, I can use the same polish with a damp towel.

The bottom triangle can be sanded and painted.

1995 Master's Touch. One owner -- me.


Fine (000) steel wool will work, or some fine-cut car polish.

I use my polisher and some Meguiar's fine cut polish on my kettles. On the legs, I can use the same polish with a damp towel.

The bottom triangle can be sanded and painted.

1995 Master's Touch. One owner -- me.



I used 000 steel wool. I have seen pictures of vent wheels polished with Mothers Mag and Aluminum polish. They look incredibly shiny! I plan to hit Oreilly's auto parts to buy some ASAP.