Viewing a competition--what do you want in a video?


Babbling Farker
Aug 7, 2006
If you couldn't attend a cook-off that you were interested in, what would you most like to see video of?

The awards ceremony?
Socializing the night before?
Team prep?
A montage of the entire event?


1) Meat prep, box prep, completed box turn in
2) types of smokers/trailers - examples of nice but simple set ups
3) Montage of the entire event
1) Meat prep, box prep, completed box turn in
2) types of smokers/trailers - examples of nice but simple set ups
3) Montage of the entire event

I agree with KC Bobby. Maybe an qick interview with some participants.
1) Meat prep, box prep, completed box turn in
2) types of smokers/trailers - examples of nice but simple set ups
3) Montage of the entire event

I agree with KC Bobby also... but would also like to see the awards....
And certified judge comments! Pass by celebrity judges like they are not even there - as it should be.
I'd like to see the whole production up through judging and see how the judges score the entry.

Now thats a great idea, follow the same meats from the cooler to the stage (or at least to the judges table, also recording the scores and or judges comments or complaints) I think that would be very interesting. Also leaving out any input from "celebrity" judges as suggested by KCB.
Now thats a great idea, follow the same meats from the cooler to the stage (or at least to the judges table, also recording the scores and or judges comments or complaints) I think that would be very interesting.

And in the corner of the screen have a timer and a count down clock so we can see how long it has taken to get to the various points and how long they have til turn in.

Of course, we (at least I) only really want to see what this for the top finishers. Might be entertaining to watch what last place did too, to see if it was that much different.
I enjoy the occassional interviews with teams and well as a montage of the entire event.

Getting the judge's comments would be nice.
And in the corner of the screen have a timer and a count down clock so we can see how long it has taken to get to the various points and how long they have til turn in.

Of course, we (at least I) only really want to see what this for the top finishers. Might be entertaining to watch what last place did too, to see if it was that much different.

yea...a could should how much time was involved, and also show time until turn in during that phase....that would be cool
If you couldn't attend a cook-off that you were interested in, what would you most like to see video of?

The awards ceremony?
Socializing the night before?
Team prep?
A montage of the entire event?



All of the above plus actual cooking and cooker set-ups. I'd also like to see some of the judging and judges comments. Of course a shot of the GC's boxes would be nice too!:wink:
I like the idea of following the turn-in all the way from prep table to judges' mouths.

I also like a montage and occasional interviews with teams - to include the amateurs. Not all of us are pros, but some amateurs turn out some great stuff.