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It should be very safe. I don't use charcoal briquettes they have lot of bad stuff in them
This humor considering the topic and all the stuff said in here about the "risk" of using old drums... well, it is not lost on this reader.

Although I have a tank in storage I won't be doing this soon so I thought you should do this with your smoker as well.

I would love to see this up close. I wonder if its as top heavy as it seems and if loading 250 lbs of meat up that high makes it more fun to play with.

I know many places I can get a old lawn mower and I even have a battery and electric motor for moving it around.
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Another question

Alright I have another question about building my smoker. I am wondering about the size of the opening between the firebox and the "smoking chamber" Above the opening 2" i will have a 2" deep stainless steel water/drip pan which would be 2 inches from all 4 sides. Make sense?


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Horizontal fuel tank cooker

Has anybody built a cooker using a fuel oil tank laid down horizontally? I'm getting ready to build one but want to use the best design.
Mine is laying down. opens up like a clam shell would. cut open, weedburner for most of sludge, then built a cuople good fires in it to clean out better. Have done at least 3 pigs on it so far. No one dead yet. Enjoy the toy!
I found pictures of someone that had the tank laid down. I to am thinking about doing the same thing as he has. I will make the firebox smaller than his. I really believe it's way to big. If you want it drop me a message and I'll send it your way. You can get some really good look on how he's done it and get a good idea what to do. He even put it on a trailer and you can see him build that too.
Has anybody built a cooker using a fuel oil tank laid down horizontally? I'm getting ready to build one but want to use the best design.

I found pictures of someone that had the tank laid down. I to am thinking about doing the same thing as he has. I will make the firebox smaller than his. I really believe it's way to big. If you want it drop me a message and I'll send it your way. You can get some really good look on how he's done it and get a good idea what to do. He even put it on a trailer and you can see him build that too.
I'm starting to build mine this week but I havnt got anything for the fire box yet......any ideas?
use the drums, burn them out should be good! people been useing these drums for years,and you dont really hear much about people dying from eating bbq chicken off one of these cookers!!!!clean it out good you should be safe,
ive built 3 of them out of 275 tanks and i scraped them, wire wheeled them and then burned them with a weed burner and then burned just sticks for about 5-6 hours first and they were fine
jackedup.....i used a small air compressor tank as a fire box.have not used it yet. just an idia will post pictures if you like to see them. i to am building a smokergrill with a rotiserie with 4 racks for pork butt,brisket ,ribs and thing like to a good build allready,will post photos of my build as thay come. maybe helpfull to ya
also building a bbq consession trailer, need some help,all ideas helpful. look foward to hearing from all of you on some ideas......i never done this but im a gonna!