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So here I am in the US, reading a post by an Australian talking about a Birthday Party at a Brazilian joint.

My only wish is I had read this when we went to Melbourne on our honeymoon a few years back! :p
Thanks for the great thread, photos of a very unique cultural tour and outstanding looking food! I'll admit though I was a little hesitant to open the thread; thought I was gonna see y'all in Brazillian beach thongs :shocked:
Good looking food, great pics. I like the architecture in the 3rd pic,
it almost looks like New Orleans... do you know anything about it?
Your story made feel like I was there - minus the smells and eats!
Very farkin' cool Titch. Thanks for sharing these great pics. :thumb: I love chicken hearts and they are good eats.

Thanks mate, do you have a simple recipe for me?

Looks like a great time, the ultimate dilemma, do I save some space for some more food or booze.

Booze was a close second ,

Looks like an awesome night out. With free booze, I may even have consumed enough to convince me to try a heart! :shock:

I actually got told by a person I had just met to be adventuresome with my Food, he called my Bluff, its now a must try to Grill to please others.

Very nice Titch!

I did some project work in Brazil a few years ago, and these places are superb there! My favorites were the chicken hearts, linguica, and Picanha.....It's amazing what you can do with a fire and a little salt!

And Party full on as well.
Last time I went to this place it was with a group Of Cuban and Argentinian friends, the South Africans do it just as big.
Come on over and I will take you there:thumb:
You hit the Salad Bars

what is this "salad" you speak of??

honestly, the salads are as versatile as the meats.
just too much Olive oil for me

So here I am in the US, reading a post by an Australian talking about a Birthday Party at a Brazilian joint.

My only wish is I had read this when we went to Melbourne on our honeymoon a few years back! :p

Always an Anniversary:biggrin1: come back and we can go together.

Thanks for the great thread, photos of a very unique cultural tour and outstanding looking food! I'll admit though I was a little hesitant to open the thread; thought I was gonna see y'all in Brazillian beach thongs :shocked:

Your welcome and Thanks.
Send me your Paypal info and I will send you a Picture of my real Brazilian:caked:
Good looking food, great pics. I like the architecture in the 3rd pic,
it almost looks like New Orleans... do you know anything about it?
Your story made feel like I was there - minus the smells and eats!

I cropped this from Picture 4, Usually terrace building like this, have the Date and some sort of name /reference to who ,what, When, the units are built.

IMG_9338 (Medium).jpg
looks good! I have been wondering about those self-supporting skewers on the grills, which are getting popular in Brazil these days - I like the look of them, but was never sure just how much weight they could support and rotate at the same time, compared to the normal type - looks like they have them working on a large-scale here though!

I have tried chicken hearts (been living in Brazil for nearly a decade now) but I have to confess, with so much good meat on offer, they are never that high on my list!

Great post Titch!