This Past weekends Pron



Ok This past weekend I did a run thru on my new recipies for the upcoming season. It was a balmy -7 deg outside and the drums ran like a champ on 12lbs charcoal and wood for over 16 hours. I had some problems with my ribs, although they were still eaten my test panel agreed they couldn't have been turned in. Everything else was outta the park, perfect pork, great chicken skin, juicy brisket, yummy!






The bottom of the brisket is very raggy cause I just pulled the fat off it after dropping my knife on the floor. I was trying for technique this time round.

I would like to give credit to my family for not trying to touch any of it before I took my pictures.

P.S. I have a a separate post about my ribs if anyone here is a drum head and would like to offer some advice, thanks.
You can turn those ribs in to a big envelope and send them to me. Nice ring and bark on the briskey too.
I still want to try that chicken! Man it looks really good!