The one and only BBQ Brethren CHUCK ROAST MASTER IS...

If there were to be a tiebreaker (which really is only possible if these vanquished warriors returned from the grave) then it would be up to Groundhog66 and Colonel00 since they were the two who were last left standing in battle and who were simultaneously slain by each other. If they like, they can have a wildcard as well, or not, their choice.

I'm not so sure it is wise to summon forth such forces however. What if one of them wins, what do we do with that? I mean, we would have an undead abomonation walking about the forums!:eek:

Betcha didn't think about that before now, did you?
Really? Does that mean we can have multiple winners too? To be honest, when I voted to make it a 3-way, I had completely forgotten that you couldn't share a win in these. I remembered it afterward and it was one of these moments. :doh:
No problem! I took your comment about what you would most like to eat at the time seriously and thought it was a great compliment. Unless, of course, you were pulling a Colonel00...