The Lighter Side of Competition - 2007


somebody shut me the fark up.
Jan 4, 2005
OK I got to thinking... we're only in May yet there have been some funny chit going down already amongst the Brethren. Thought maybe we needed a thread to keep track of the good stuff so come next winter, we can all say "Remember last year when..." and laugh all over again. There's funny chit happening all the time at comps...

So to start this out (and it can be added too all season), here are my initial "entries"...

Andy having a problem counting past five ribs. It wasn't so much DOING it that was funny as it has been the chit that he has taken the last three days around here. :wink:

And the funniest so far... Bubba catching himself on fire at Jefferson City! (Michael Jackson mod). :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh yeah... someone's kid at Platte City was riding his bike and fell when his tire got caught in a grate over a drain in the parking lot. It only became funny when we saw he wasn't actually injured but the bike was on him and wasn't moving due to the tire caught in the grate. I got a chuckle out of it because he was flirting with my daughter and with Andy's girl too! That'll teach him. :wink:

I'm sure there will be more so post 'em up when you get 'em! :lol:

EDIT: I almost forgot... Singin' Bob of the Meatheads making like three trips to Wal Mart at Warsaw trying to get a stereo loud enough to meet Meathead standards... and to be louder than mine. Turns out it was only a cable from the mp3 player to the stereo that made it less loud.
Speaking of Meatheads... Wayne melted my electric charcoal starter at Polar Swine. Which was all good in the end because I got the flame thrower door prize.
Were you there to see Bubba catch on fire?????? We were all looking like HELL what do we do....but he got it out and it was funny as hell (once we knew he is ok)....Not anyone can leave a contest with grill marks on his back and big burn hole in the front...I have heard that was his favorite shirt.
Were you there to see Bubba catch on fire?????? We were all looking like HELL what do we do....but he got it out and it was funny as hell (once we knew he is ok)....Not anyone can leave a contest with grill marks on his back and big burn hole in the front...I have heard that was his favorite shirt.

No, I missed seeing it firsthand but was there not long afterward and seeing Bubba sitting there looking all dejected with a burnt hole on his front side was classic! And I think hearing Jeff tell the story was probably as good if not better than actually seeing it! :lol: Dude can tell a story no doubt. Funny thing was though... our sponsor's husband wore nylon type sweat pants out to dinner Friday evening there at Jefferson City and was backed up to my propane heater and... well... that chit melts REAL easy. He had a big hole in his backside from it!
Speaking of Meatheads... Wayne melted my electric charcoal starter at Polar Swine. Which was all good in the end because I got the flame thrower door prize.

Todd didn't just get a door prize, he got the 1st Annual Meathead award. They thrive on carnage!!!:mrgreen: ( my torch, margarita machines, truck engines, todd's starter, you name it....) Not to mention the countless ear drums of unsuspecting folk slammed with Bob singing White Wedding!!!:twisted:

So when we found out that they had fried the cord of Todd's charcoal starter... Todd unknowingly became the first recipient.​
Guys yes it was funny glad i did not get hurt. That is one story that will live on and on LOL. Jeff sure can tell it good, that was a bad day for sure
There is not really a story to tell! That was just the funniest damn thing I've EVER seen... BY FAR
Guys yes it was funny glad i did not get hurt. That is one story that will live on and on LOL. Jeff sure can tell it good, that was a bad day for sure

Bub, you know we love ya, brother! Just glad you weren't hurt! If you had, we wouldn't have been able to laugh about it. :wink:
Anytime you want to take the "heat" off of you Bubba.... just ask Wayne about the time he tried to Ron on fire....

I believe Ron said " It was like a woke up to a hot air balloon landing on my head"...
This one time, at competition camp, I arrived to meat JeffinKC right after he stabbed his wife. By accident of course.
How about Warsaw about 3 years ago, Singin' Bob Belting out White Wedding and Team Q with their lighters out swaying to the music.

At least I think it was music......:shock:
I have one, not recent, but recurring. I'll find out in 5 days if things have not changed. At the first GAB (my first comp.) the guys behind me came and asked if I had a lighter they could borrow. Of course in Brethren spirit I obliged. Come to find out the team was Boy Scout Troop 9, "Smokin for a Merit Badge". As soon as I learned that, lets just say, they would not forget fire again.......until the next GAB! Last year, same thing, they were directly behind us needing fire. I told Alfred "head chef and tequila conniseur" rub 2 sticks together! Then he broke out the Cuervo 1800! I was OBLIGATED to find my lighter! Plus my now XXXXX had just left the day before, what's a bit of butane for some 1800????
I cannot wait to see if the Boy Scouts have fire this year!
Jeff, I had to resurrect this thread!
GAB 2007, A friend I hadn't seen in 6 years, shows up at the GAB. I guess he hadn't drank in awhile. Unfortunately for Jeff he chose this night. We walked down to "Brethren Row" and my "friend" who shall remain nameless, and Jeff hit it off! Knew some of the same people etc. Then walks up Stan, I stand up to do the customary intro. and BOOM! My "friend" stumbles into Jeff's "media" table sending the stereo to the ground/grave!
Makes me think Jeff, with your success in OA scores, maybe you needed to ditch the "turn in CD" anyway!
Farker! I said the LIGHTER side of comps! :mad: I have yet to pen my letter to that bastige but it's coming soon! PM me his email if you have it. Steve said he thought he might.
boon county looser

i have this trophy from last year my guru fan went out at 5:30 in morning and jeff was next to me i was cooking on any thing that would hold an fire under it ( i lost ) then me and my boys went to the mid way and team Q and many others gave it to my wife the trophy ( she is very shy ) she was ready to kill me even more when i got back form the mid way

i get to pass it on this year I hope

We competed at Rubbin'-N-Racin' Conn. State Championship over Memorial Day Weekend in KCBS and faired very well. Nancee of Purple Turtles was our source of inspiration. We misplaced one of our Marvericks and had a new ET7 with 2 probes for meat. We wanted to monitor grill temperature. What to do.?...Nancee handed us a two day old shriveled potato and said this is what you need. We put 1 probe in the chicken and 1 in the two day old shriveled potato on the grill....

Got our first call ever....2nd for Chicken...

Thank you Nancee !!!!

Yours in BBQ,


P.S. In true New England tradition we returned the two day old very well cooked potato! Nancee accepted it gracefully! BBQ people are the best!

P.S.S. Nancee and Greg were RGC at Lime Rock... Way to go!
Yeah, this says "2007" but there's been some good stuff this year too. Anyone want to add to it? So far, my favorites:

Jeff Toates lighting his ass on fire at Osage City! Got a bit too close to the propane heater and all of the sudden he's flaming! That was funny stuff. Even melted his credit cards.

Also this year at Warrensburg (just last week), Jeff Spurgeon and Wayne take a Friday night break and go visiting a local establishment. To hear Jeff tell the story made my face and sides hurt for hours I was laughing so hard!
At the GAB this year....Andy let his cousin take notes of his cooking during the Invit ....he didn't think it would matter because his cousin's team always drinks and parties WAY to hard. Guess what!!!! They beat the HODEDOs in 2 cats. and by 1/2 a point in the Overall Open! We all about fell over when they called Fu-Bar! They had to come back because they were leaving!