The dedication of a KCBS rep


is One Chatty Farker
Jun 23, 2007
This last weekend, I competed in the 2nd annual Smokin' at the Ballpark. While there, walking around, now with the aid of a cane, was Ken Dakai.

For those that don't know who Ken Dakai is, he is the VP of NEBS and also a very involved KCBS rep, and, until recently due to medical issues, he also competed along side his wife when they weren't involved from the rep side of the fence.

Last year, however, Ken got some unfortunate news from his doctor about a very serious medical condition that had returned. I think that most people would quitely step into the back ground and just concentrate on dealing with their health, but not Ken Dakai.

I have seen Ken and his wife at a few contests, still doing what they love so much, making sure the show goes on and that KCBS sanctioned contests are ran with the high standards of fairness in tact.

Ken's story is inspirational to me, considering all that he's been through. But yet, he is still staying strong and making sure that the competitors are taken care of and that KCBS is represented with integrity and fairness!

Thanks Ken, and I hope you beat this thing again! We need more reps like you and your wife out there with your dedication and integrity!!!