Thanksgiving a day early feast


Babbling Farker
Jul 19, 2011
My family did our thanksgiving today since work schedules colided and several family members have to work tomorrow. I was tasked with doing the meat this year so I decided on a 20lb turkey and I also did a 12lb fresh venison ham. I rubbed the venison with SM sweet seduction and added some extra paprika. I rubbed the turkey with SM Cherry mixed with some sweet seduction ( the family loves the sweet seduction) and Lowry's basil and citrus rub. I fired up the uds and let it run up to between 325 and 360, this was by far the best turkey I have ever cooked. Ans the venison was one of the best I have had. I let the venison get to an IT of 150 then pulled wrapped in foil and rested for an hour while turkey finished. I took the turkey to an IT in the breast of 168 and pulled it and wrapped in foil to rest for an hour while the rest of the food was prepared. Now for what you are waiting on here is the PRON:

Here is the venison ham all rubbed and ready:

finished venison ham:


venison ham sliced to serve:


Turkey after resting:


Turkey sliced to serve:

Final table spread with everything:
wow the final picture didn't show up in full so I am going to repost it so you can see the spread we had for the whole family, although I think i will be eating leftovers for a week, but thats ok I like leftovers. We had mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potato caserole, cranberry sauce, sauteed brussel sprouts, mac n cheese for the kids, stuffing, deviled eggs and green beans with the cook drippings. Also cant forget the pumpkin pie and also a chocolate pie.
