

is Blowin Smoke!
Jul 13, 2008
I have been stuck in front of a computer for most of the day - so I have been a little more active on the Forum than is healthy today. But the responses to my latest thread have really been great and I want to add an extra thank you to everyone.

Your responses have been more than "helpful" - they have been informative and they have saved me big money. And this isn't the first time belonging to this Forum has provided tangible benefits. The reality is that I have gotten back, in real dollars saved, 10 times what I have paid to hang out with you all!

So here's my payback to the Forum. I will buy a $25 membership for a registered Brethren who has not stepped up to a subscription (yeah, it's not much - but I got kids to feed!). I'll take care of the first year. The first person who fits this criteria to respond to this thread, I'll find a way to credit your account - or whatever. I am posting this to the comp section because it's you folks who have helped a rookie like me out so much. Pay it forward, isn't that what they say?

This doesn't apply to Oly - he's got plenty of his own money:biggrin:
That is very generous of you Monty. It is not my intention to be first, by the way, just luck of the draw.
I'm starting to think Monty won the lottery or is skimming off the top of his parish.

Jambo of FEC
membership offering

Or did you sell the recipe to a brew?
I'm starting to think Monty won the lottery or is skimming off the top of his parish.

Jambo of FEC
membership offering

Or did you sell the recipe to a brew?

I'm just spending some of last year's winnings, that's all :biggrin:
But-the weeks not over!

Jambo is out. We have to replace our van and I can't justify the extra expense. I don't finance depreciating assets - so the savings is going for a new family truckster. But I am waiting until after Scottie's class to decide about the FEC.

And since you turned me on to the Carlisle - well, now I'm awash in cash, bro!

And a reminder, Bobby - Oly bought the trailer. He's one of those rich farmers and he can afford anything he wants. That's why he's on the team!!!:cool:
This does not surprise me at all. Nate has made some generous contributions to my foundation.

I'll get you to convert to a pellet cooker by the end of the class... :)