Taking A Break


somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
Actually taking breaks, regulars, tips and gristles. This Treasure was located in back of beer fridge-freezer. This was from a full rack of spares that I trimmed after cooking saving the good stuff for me in a double zip lock bag. Froze solid so put in the Instant Pot for 12 with 1/2 cup of coffee then finished under the broiler. Some sweet potato tots and a tablespoon of Bush’s Baked Original. Kind of like pork chicken wing flats. Messy but outstanding.
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That isn't your prettiest meal, but it sounds good. I like the addition of the coffee for warming the meat :thumb: I have recently been trying to add coffee to sauce and other stuff like baked beans (a few months ago, made my wife's favorite beans yet, and she doesnt like coffee). Thanks for the idea!
Breakfast Tendons-Gristles-half a sausage link-, quality of life and face moisturizer
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