Surprises in the Competitor's package - a rant


Babbling Farker
Feb 27, 2007
Northern VA
In case anyone coming to the Fredrick MD event missed it there was a little item buried in the packages that just came out to the competitors. No team will be allowed to exit the fairgrounds until after 8pm or the last band is finished. This was not disclosed on the competitor application information.

I'm hearing about these types of surprises more and more. :evil: This is something that sanctioning bodies (KCBS, MABA, NEBS, BBQ Brethren and others ) need to take a hard look at and put some pressure on the organizers. The contestant applications are reading more and more like contracts and they need to be enforced on both ends. It should be required by the sanctioning body that all conditions of entry and egress (load in / load out times); the ability to enter / exit the facility at will by the competitors, fees for electric /water / site size, HD inspection, prize money distribution and any other special conditions on the competitors be fully disclosed on the competitor application prior to the competitor sending in their entry fee. There also needs to be a clause included that any changes to the basic competitor application contract by the organizer or venue allows for a full refund of all fees to the competitor if they so desire.

I know I'm going to push to get this in the MABA sanctions requirements ASAP.
wow, two rants on the same topic posted 1 minute apart amazing!:-D
Mods, this was not planned; please feel free to move or dump my diatribe for I have no feelings.:crazy:
so what are they going to do if you leave? Kick you out?:twisted:

good question!! can you be banned by the KCBS for not following the rules and leaving early??

you should see the list of things that can get you fined $$$$ at this comp..

glad I only live an hour away...still dont want to be there till 8
good question!! can you be banned by the KCBS for not following the rules and leaving early??

you should see the list of things that can get you fined $$$$ at this comp..

glad I only live an hour away...still dont want to be there till 8

I had better dig that letter back out of the recycling box and let my crack team of attorneys give it a real good looksee.

I think that this is a ploy to get a lien on that smoker of yours. If I was organizing this event, I'd find a way to fine you and attach a lien to that "beast".

License and registration, please!:cool:
I'm not familiar with the location of the contest, but the last couple of times I have run into a situation like this it was because of concern for the public's safety. The organizers didn't want vehicles, trailers, or campers driving through the area where the public was. I completely agree that things like this should be posted on the website or application so that teams can be aware of it beforehand. But at the same time, if it's a public safety issue, I can live with the decision of the organizers.
The old family emergency always works. The best way to handle this is everyone take a stand or tell them you are not showing. that is a terrible rule./
I'm not familiar with the location of the contest, but the last couple of times I have run into a situation like this it was because of concern for the public's safety. The organizers didn't want vehicles, trailers, or campers driving through the area where the public was. I completely agree that things like this should be posted on the website or application so that teams can be aware of it beforehand. But at the same time, if it's a public safety issue, I can live with the decision of the organizers.

The cynic in me says it's more a case of "we don't want the public seeing the teams packing up and leaving right after awards and assuming the festival is over" vs a true public safety concern. After all , they don't hold all the bands over so there are people and vehicles coming and going anyway. Be that as it may, the time to disclose this is on the competitor's application, not on the team information sheet 3 weeks (or less) before an event.
should certainly be stated in the competitors app., but as things change they may not have realized.

with that said, the BBQ competition is still a DRAW to the event and the competitors should be treated with respect.

provide a safe causeway for them to exit.
I'm not familiar with the location of the contest, but the last couple of times I have run into a situation like this it was because of concern for the public's safety. The organizers didn't want vehicles, trailers, or campers driving through the area where the public was. I completely agree that things like this should be posted on the website or application so that teams can be aware of it beforehand. But at the same time, if it's a public safety issue, I can live with the decision of the organizers.

I totally agree. The GAB had a similar rule last weekend, but said pull-out time was 11:00. Since there were basically no public in the contest areas after the awards, they provided escorts to lead us in and out which we greatly appreciated. Now if there were a ton of people milling about, I would not even think of leaving.

If sticking around for the safety of the public is not for you or if you feel the need to lay on your horn to make the public get out of your way - just stay home!
The cynic in me says it's more a case of "we don't want the public seeing the teams packing up and leaving right after awards and assuming the festival is over" vs a true public safety concern. After all , they don't hold all the bands over so there are people and vehicles coming and going anyway. Be that as it may, the time to disclose this is on the competitor's application, not on the team information sheet 3 weeks (or less) before an event.

I hear ya, it was kind of a bone headed move to wait to notify teams. According to the schedule, the last band is done around 8ish, 1 1/2 hours after the awards. It's not like they are asking teams to stay until 11pm or midnight.

We're most likely staying until Sunday morning anyway (unless that's against the rules in the cook's packet...which I haven't seen yet). Nothing like relaxing after a cook, listening to a band or two, and doing a few 12oz curls.
Seems to me if they'd put a 5 mph rule for leaving that would solve their worrys. I've idled in and out of comps before. As long as everyone uses their head it shouldn't be a problem. Of course that "usin their head thing" can always cause problems!!
Personally, I would be pulling my hair out. After one of these are done I can't get back to the friendly confines fast enough! Nothing like the wife, kids, rum drink, hot shower and the couch after one of these! :)
My rule is that if I have to drive more than about 1.5-2 hours to get home, then I'm going to stay the night and drive home on Sunday morning. If they are going to enforce the rule that teams can't leave until after at least 8pm then they better be prepared to let me stay over. More than once I've gotten off the highway and couldn't remember driving any of it. That's scary.

I just posted a suggestion on George's thread about maybe doing a pot luck dinner. Any thoughts?