Surprise Pastrami and then Pork Loin fer Dinner


Knows what a fatty is.
Aug 31, 2012
My better half surprised me with an already prepared corned brisket flat and peppered ready for the smoker while I was gone for the last couple days!!!:clap2::clap2: Who was I to argue!!

I think she used Thrideye's pastrami rub because it was still up on the pc when i got up today!!


But it decided to rain today so i had to improvise to make the UDS an umbrella


I lashed the umbrella to a piece of re-bar!


So the soon to be pastrami starting to settle in its bath of smoke mmmm Its gonna be good.


So as you see I have tons of room left on the rack, and this pork loin in the fridge was calling my name. So I decided it was gonna be for dinner :biggrin1:!


So it got a rub sprinkled on it of some stuff i tossed together and then a lite coating of montreal steak seasoning!



And it got tucked in also about an hour later


Pit is holding steady at 245*
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So far so good the loin is @135, and pastrami is @160 about to go see if it pass the probe test.
If your loin is at 135, you should be removing it very soon! 140ish at the highest if you like your pork moist.

lol yeah I like my pork moist!! I did pull the loin at 140 but had to run to the hospital because my grandma was getting admitted. I will post the pics and the results when i get back to the house.
Ok sry for the long delay. All is stable for now do I figured i would at least finish what i started yesterday lol!!

Here is the Pastrami it turned out really awesome very tender with a succulent peppery flavor!!

Here is the Loin today after i warmed it up for lunch. I did have to try a piece before I left yesterday though.

And a plate view of a quick lunch!!

The loin has a nice full flavor with just the right amount smoke flavor. and it was still juicy today after i warmed it up!! :biggrin1:
She is doing good. She is resting today. She had a bladder infection that spread to her blood and was severally dehydrated. But the nurses say they are on top of it now. So we see how she does in the next few days.
Shoot... sorry to hear! Hope she has a speedy recovery.

Yeah it popped up out of nowhere. She was really bad yesterday talking all kinds of gibberish and hallucinating stuff. Today she has sleep most of the day however she will acknowledge ppl when they get her to wake up. So that is a great improvement!!