Surgery for the 4th


is one Smokin' Farker
Oct 10, 2012
Wylie, TX
So as it turns out the pain in my back that I have been experiencing for that past several months was my gallbladder ... good news is the pain is now gone, bad news is that they took the gallbladder out on the 3rd of July. Bad because I had already committed to doing some briskets for my buddy's family reunion ... somewhere between 25 and 30 people.

I cowboy'd up and enlisted the aid of mentioned buddy. I supervised and he did the manual labor. There were moments where I had to step in and make some fixes to the trim or the making of the sauces/rubs. But over all, he did pretty good.

This was the fun ... I have yellow socks that match the pillow so my wife said I just need some blue overalls and I can be a Minion for Halloween.

Got home that evening and my buddy came over and did the prep work - opened the cryo, rinsed the meat, did some trimming, and then a simple injection ... (1/4 Worcestershire and 3/4 beef broth). Rested them in the fridge, covered, over night. 3:45am I got my 14 year old nephew, who is staying with me, to pause his Xbox game (he staid up all night) to pull the brisket out of the fridge and set on the counter for me. I am not allowed to lift more than 10 to 15 lbs.

Got them uncovered, drained, then wiped down with Worcestershire and rub.

At this point, I paused to take some of my wonderful pain meds... then returned to reality.

By this time, the pit was sitting around 225 (I used my Traeger along with a Pellet Tube Smoker for added smoke), and my buddy arrived to help load the meat. I also use a small water pan.

At 2 hours in I mop the briskets with my injection mix, plus 2 tbsp of my rub.

Closed it back up and then at 4 and 1/2 hours, pulled the meat for wrapping.

I love that I am now getting a consistent color every time ... whether it be on the Traeger or my stick burner... these are the two briskets getting my mob and butter treatment for wrapping.



Turned the temp up on the pit to around 275... took another 3+ hours to bring the briskets to an internal temp of 198.


When they probed 198, I brought them in, unwrapped them, drained the yummy juice off and saved it for use later. I let the briskets rest unwrapped for about 15 minutes, then I wrapped them in two layers of heavy foil and then put them in an Ice Chest wrapped in towels, where they would rest for 2 to 3 hours.



I am again loving the color ...

As they sliced and chopped the brisket at my buddies house, I unfortunately do not have any more photos. HOWEVER, my wife surprised me and while I was resting she made Filipino BBQ Pork on a Stick, and made fresh juice (strawberries, apples, and carrots). Gotta love my wife!!!


As always, thanks for reading my posts ... I enjoy sharing, as I am sure y'all can tell.

Dude, sorry to hear that. At least it's something you'll recover from. Any future diet limitations?

Good job coaching everyone through the cook. Those briskies look great!
Thanks Terry ... no real changes. We eat pretty clean already. Big difference with the removal of the gallbladder is watching how much sludge/really heavy fat one eats. As with BBQ, we render that all out :) We are still careful and rotate the meats - fish, pork, beef, chicken...


Dude, sorry to hear that. At least it's something you'll recover from. Any future diet limitations?

Good job coaching everyone through the cook. Those briskies look great!
I thought fried or fatty would be the issue. Sounds like that won't be too much of an issue.
Glad you are up and around, the surgery part sure sucks though.

That brisket looks great and good that you had help to pull it all together.
I am thrilled that you are on the mend!!!!

That brisket looks perfect to me. The color......ya nailed it. Let us know how the folks who ate it responded back to you.
All that looks brilliant and got to ask for the Pilipino Skewers recipe please.
My Gall bladder took off a few years ago, besides Fatty food ( urgent evacuations) no change in anything.
Mend well mate
That is one nice looking cook. Get well soon. I had mine taken out a few years ago. It is remarkable how much better I feel since it is out. No change in my diet and never get heart burn now! Life is good.
Thanks all... feeling much better.

I asked my wife the recipe fromy wife for the Filipino skewers... she doesn't measure, this is what she uses... I'll try and get measurements.

Soy Sauce
Banana Ketchup
Black Pepper

She marinated them over night.
Glade you are on the mend. Looks like you took a bad situation, and turned it into a teachable moment for your buds. And it all looks good from here.
That right there is the makings of a great BBQ story to be told many a time over the coming years.

Nice work, and heal quickly.