********subscription give-away********

OK Brethren shutting down the entries! 30 subscriptions have been donated!

Here's how I'm doing the draw. I have a random number generator. I will use it to select the winners. If it lands on a bump or a donation post I will use the random number generator to select another post number.

Before I go any further I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL THAT DONATED SUBSCRIPTIONS!

I would love to list everyone that contributed, but that would take the rest of my day!

Sssssooooo let me drop my turkey and draw some winners!
I will start a new thread with the winners! Good luck everyone!
OK Brethren shutting down the entries! 30 subscriptions have been donated!

Here's how I'm doing the draw. I have a random number generator. I will use it to select the winners. If it lands on a bump or a donation post I will use the random number generator to select another post number.

Before I go any further I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL THAT DONATED SUBSCRIPTIONS!

I would love to list everyone that contributed, but that would take the rest of my day!

Sssssooooo let me drop my turkey and draw some winners!
I will start a new thread with the winners! Good luck everyone!

Thanks for leading this effort!!

Happy Thanksgiving