Starting a Barbecue Catering/Concessions Class Interest


is One Chatty Farker
Oct 16, 2008
Just throwing this out there to see if there would be interest in taking a class on opening a barbecue business? Primarily a catering and concessions start up and not for a restaurant. Thinking the class would be designed for those who know how to cook and have developed those skills and recipes and are now entertaining the though starting a small part or full time barbecue business. Maybe even you've already started one but things aren't going the way you would like. The goal of the class would be to straighten the learning curve of those first 3-5 years of opening a business so you're not paying for the learning curve through wasted experiments along the way and hit the ground running instead of crawling. We possibly teach things like forming a business, purchasing the necessary equipment, all aspects of catering and concessions, staffing, advertising, pricing, profit structure, food quantities and much more. A weekend class with a price point around $750pp. I strongly believe I could save a person starting a small catering business at least double (probably way more) the class price before they even opened the doors and they would hit the ground 2-4 years ahead of someone opening a barbecue business on their own with trial and error, saving and making you way more money over 5 years. A class would take place here in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and would perhaps run a Friday-Sunday and include a few meals. A little background on me. I opened a catering and concessions business in 2010 and have had a 20-40% annual growth rate every year since opening and a 80% growth rate last year growing the business to 6 figure annual sales all while working another job in additional to running the catering business. I had no never worked in the food industry prior to opening the business. I had a competition barbecue team and it started from there.
Sounds like a great class. How did you arrive at $750 pp for a 2 days class? By the time someone travels to Virginia, rents a room for 3-4 days and buys the meals you don't provide they would have $1,500 = $1,800 in cost. Almost double if a 2 person team enrolls.
Sounds like a great class. How did you arrive at $750 pp for a 2 days class? By the time someone travels to Virginia, rents a room for 3-4 days and buys the meals you don't provide they would have $1,500 = $1,800 in cost. Almost double if a 2 person team enrolls.

I'm just throwing ideas out there at the moment. $750 seemed to be on the low side of what all competition classes charge for a weekend class. Looking back to when I started out my business if I had the chance to learn what could be taught in a class like this knowing what I know now I'd consider $1800 a steal. Heck people are spending $60k to go to college 4 years plus room and board and come out with a degree in Budweiser LOL
Think it could be a good idea. I think Mike Mills was doing a class like this, maybe still is.
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If I was thinking of starting a BBQ business, I'd prolly offer YOU $750 plus travel and per-diem to come to MY digs and CONSULT on the plans/setup.
If I was thinking of starting a BBQ business, I'd prolly offer YOU $750 plus travel and per-diem to come to MY digs and CONSULT on the plans/setup.

I'm with TJ. Come on over, I've got an extra room with your own bathroom and DirectTV. It will be a big ol' party!

Oh, and replace the "7" in your price with a decimal point so I can afford it.