Stagecoach Music Fetival 2008


Babbling Farker
Aug 20, 2005
Indio Ca.
First weekend in May in Indio Ca.
Only Room for 50 teams
Two days two contests
Both KCBS Sanctioned
$25,000 each day $50,000 total
Peoples Choice Vending
to 40,000 plus people
You will make money
Huge cash for Best Booth
Best Showmanship
Man I live in the wrong state... For Taxes AND Barbeque....
Got most of my sponcers lined up waiting for the package to be ready. As of right now Rub-A-Dud BBQ Team is in.
k will post pics of the event. Sry you guys could not make it. Maybe next year.
Thom, We are strongly considering trying to make this one, especially after chatting at Rawhide!

(editorial: the change to strictly KCBS is actually a selling point to me...)
Thom, We are strongly considering trying to make this one, especially after chatting at Rawhide!

(editorial: the change to strictly KCBS is actually a selling point to me...)
Do you have a way to haul the Spicewine? (You'll have a lot of Ribs to cook)
I have two days of concerts
So I need two days of BBQ
Just having Peoples Choice one day
wasn't that interesting
The crowd really loves to watch
the contest while they eat

We are there to entertain just like the musicians
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