Roll Call. Inside 30 days. Smokin in the Park - Viejas, CA Oct. 17-18, 2008

One week to go! I think I'm ready to take my first shot at Wagyu Gary. $17,000 in prize money and 50 teams. Big fun in Viejas!!!
I'll be there helping out Country. I'm looking forward to meeting some new faces and hopefully bringing home Four King Q some nice trophies.
Jaybirds fried chicken, Big Brother smokes crab cakes, Notley Ques sheperd pie, Country bringing the captain. Looks like Friday night is going to be fun. Plus we still have a contest to do. What more can you ask for.
Stealing a line from Animal House.
"Oh Boy, is this Great!"
Can hardly wait. Different location this time, hope it works out well for us.
Not bringing the Pulled Pork Tamales to the Pot Luck this time, thinking you all are getting tired of them by now. Wifey will do up a dessert, sure you will enjoy.
Oh, and Mista, we will have to share some Tequilla again. I will find something interesting.
See you all on Friday.
I'm thinking about making some dirty rice.

Tequila is a must Bill!

Winds should die down before the contest and the fire is 75% contained.