Contest Results Smokin in the Junction


is Blowin Smoke!
Nov 7, 2007
Ankeny, IA
GC Pork Country Smokers (Dave Hintz)
RC 4 Mile Smoking Crew (Fred Horstman)

For those who didn't know, it was a chicken, pork loin and rib contest. I only cooked the rib category and ...................

I was very pleased with a 7th place rib entry!!! :-D

It was really nice to meet Radmanct and visit with Rod and Dawn (Buster Dog BBQ), Brian (Pyle's BBQ), Don (Boondoggle BBQ) and Dave Hintz. Great job everyone!
Nice job on your ribs Matt. I knew Dave would get a GC this year. He's got the drive and the skills. Congrats to Pork County and all the others that competed.
Matt it was nice to see everyone yesterday. I did all three categories by my self. I don't want to do that very often.

I did get 6th in pork loin!!!