Small offset smoker/grill - Looking for - Need Advice


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2009
Hi All,

I am looking for a smaller offset smoker/grill to leave at our barn - it will not be used as a primary cooker, I don't want to buy a throw away thoough. What would be the reccomendations for a resonably priced unit? Happened to see the offsets at Walmart last night and I want to spend more money on a decent unit, all of the smoker/grill's felt very flimsy and cheap!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

sorry about that, I lied, the sq36 is about $1000 once u add in the 2nd level grate, but i can vouch for it, it's a great, extremely well built little stick burner.
Plan B - might look into building a clone - just got a new mig and recently received my mig certification. Might look for some plans and start a small project!!