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Thanks to all brethren who responded. I don't know what or if my 'allowable' salt limit will be as I don't see the doc's until the 21st. Trying to figure out how much salt, cholesterol, carbs and everything else I'm supposed to look for is already making us crazy. I don't intend to become a total greens muncher, but I did get my eyes opened by what I read now on those little info areas on cans and boxes. Again, thanks for the words of wisdom and have some great Q all.
Mrs Dash

If I couldn't use salt I would buy Mrs Dash rubs that you can buy in most grocery stores. I think it is pretty good stuff and they have different blends for different meats. It will add some nice flavor to your meats, if you don't want to make your own and they are easy to find.

It is pretty course so you could always run it through your spice mill to make a finer blend.
I agree that you will get used to the low salt. I did it for about 6 weeks and lost about 30 lbs. Almost no salt, but also no meat.:shocked: It was very hard but eventually it becomes habit.

Try using ground turkey for burgers and any other things that you would have used ground beef for. Very good. I also had some Jennie-O turkey italian sausage the other day that was delicious. Even my picky son liked it, but I do not know if it was high in sodium.

Good luck with everything.