roasting chestnuts

I take the chestnuts and cut a small 'x' in the flat side. Then put in a pan, put in a hot Weber (maybe 325F or so) and roast for 10 minutes, check for done-ness and then keep going. I am looking for the 'x' cut to peel open. They burn easily. Now, we used to also use a popcorn basket for use over a flame, but, that broke a long time ago and did not get replaced.
You can buy Chestnut roasting pans...or perhaps use an old skillet
and drill lots of holes in it ...and see if that works.
Or go to and get one there.

dude, I did with fresh peanuts smoked it is will not eat Skippy again
Well, sort of a nutty chicken, with hints of squirrel. And then there is this...

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire,
Jack Frost nipping on your nose,
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir,
And folks dressed up like Eskimos.
I think they taste more like a cross between a boiled peanut and a roasted almond. They're very soft in texture though, unlike a crunchy almond. More like a reheated day old roast potato in texture.

Just don't forget to carve those X's in 'em or else you may get yourself an explosion.