RO on Sale at Tractor Supply

Thanks for getting me excited but NO Go's clearanced out and won't be carried at my TSC
Not in stock in Manhattan's TSC

Ok, that made me laugh hard until I checked your location, the mental imagine of a TSC in midtown had me rolling.

And yeah I checked with all my local TSC's when I saw a similar deal earlier in the fall and none in stock locally here in Cleveland.

That's alright. I usually leave off the KS part until people look at me weird and/or say, "huh, you don't sound like you're from New York." This even happens in KC two hours away.

That's alright. I usually leave off the KS part until people look at me weird and/or say, "huh, you don't sound like you're from New York." This even happens in KC two hours away.

Funny story about that. I'm from KC and live here now, but spent 3 years in NC for work. While there, one night some of the guys from work all went to Hooters for some wings and beer, and there was a K-State game on ESPN that night in the bar (not sure who they played, but it was a home game).

Knowing I'm a Mizzou guy, one of the guys looks at me and says, "I didn't know there was a Big 12 team in NY. How did that happen?"

Me: Huh?

Him: That game is being played in Manhattan. What Big 12 school is in NY?

Me :doh:

EDIT...I believe it was Texas Tech or something like that. It definitely wasn't Baylor, as it had the state's name in it.
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