Questions for cooking whole hog


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2005
Minooka, IL
I will be cooking for a friend in two weeks a 100lb whole hog. I have a few questions.

I will be cooking on my offset how long say at 275 temp should I plan for?

Which end near the fire box?


Skin on Skin off?

Stuff with fruit and veggies?

Butterfly and lay flat or lay on back?

Thanks much!
I smoke with head near firebox to protect the ham and loins, the dark meat doesn't dry out as quickly. I take 2 temperatures when cooking. Cook the ham to 185 degrees and the shoulder to 210 degrees. And yes, inject. I would use about 3-4 quarts for a 100lb hog. I also use a dry rub, very liberally.

Skin: ON
Butterfly: YES
I would also suggest a garden sprayer of some sort with some apple juice and cider vinegar about two to one with more juice than vinegar. Everytime you crack the cooker give it the once-over.

Don't be afraid to foil the head either, it'll keep it pretty for the presentation and not turn black.

Last time I did one I figured wrong and it took a little longer than I thought, I would allow for plenty of time as you can hold a whole hog for quite a while on a warm cooker.
I guess someone beat me to it, but Iwill be cooking a whole 70lb pig this weekend. What is a good estimate of time. I am just trying to figure out when to put it on. I will be cooking around 240-250 on my kingfisher rotisserie.