Q-Dats New "Cajun Crust" Large Grain Dry Rub! (Guess Whats In It)

Re: Q-Dats New "Cajun Crunch" Large Grain Dry Rub! (Guess Whats In It)

It was a gumbo.

It didn't have raisins and coconut did it?
Oh well if it did it just supports the idea that you really can make a gumbo with anything.:thumbup:
Re: Q-Dats New "Cajun Crunch" Large Grain Dry Rub! (Guess Whats In It)


I'll post the recipe later, but I figured it would be fun to see if anyone can figure it out from the pic.

Any ideas?

Edit: Here's the rub.

4 parts coarse sea salt
2 parts dried diced onion
2 parts dried diced celery
2 parts dried diced bell pepper(red and green)
2 parts pepper blend(equal parts cracked black and white and red flakes)
1 part dried minced garlic
1 part whole yellow mustard seed
1 part whole black mustard seed
1 part parsley flakes

Here's the rub after toasting in a dry skillet

Gonna be trying this on a brisket SOON!
Recipe looks good.
The dried diced onion dried diced celery dried diced bell pepper is this something that can be purchased or something homemade? If homemade, what is the method?
Recipe looks good.
The dried diced onion dried diced celery dried diced bell pepper is this something that can be purchased or something homemade? If homemade, what is the method?

Well it depends on where you live. Down here you can find the dried onion, garlic, and bell pepper no problem. The dried celery is another story. I have seen it in stores, but not very often. I ordered mine from Spice Barn, which is also where I got my black mustard seeds and the red pepper flakes which are 40k scoville. I wanted that specifically because thats about how hot cayenne is typically.
Pitmaster T pointed out something important and that is that rubs like this are "no wrap" or at least "late wrap" rubs. The dry heat mellows out the pepper over time.